Feb 5, 2023

13 minutes

Amazon A+ Content: The Ultimate Guide To Enhance Your Product Listings

Amazon A+ Content is an excellent way to enhance your product listings, providing customers with detailed, informative product descriptions. With Amazon A+ Content, you can boost the visibility of your products on Amazon and create a better overall customer experience.

In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of using Amazon A+ Content, how to create it, and tips for getting the most out of your product listings to enhance your product listings with amazon A+ content. So, let’s get started!

What Is Amazon A+ Content?

Before we dive into the details, let’s start with the basics: What is Amazon A+ Content? Simply put, Amazon A+ Content is an innovative tool exclusively available to vendors and sellers on the Amazon platform that allows them to showcase their products in a detailed, vivid way. It goes beyond basic photos and descriptions, offering unique opportunities for product displays with rich media, charts, and text sections that explain the benefits of the products being sold.

This extra information can be used by customers to take an informed decision before making a purchase choice, and so has become an essential marketing tool for successful business owners on Amazon.

What Are The Requirements For Amazon A+ Content?

Requirements for premium A+ content of any product category for brand owners

Now that you have an idea of what Amazon A+ Content is, let’s look at the requirements for creating it.

  • Amazon’s Brand Registry is an absolute necessity for all sellers and must be applied to in order to have their products listed on the platform. This is a free program that helps online vendors protect their products from being copied or hijacked from the marketplace.
  • If you’re enrolled with Amazon’s managed-to-sell programs like Launchpad or Amazon Exclusives, then A+ access is automatically yours.
  • According to GCDI guidelines, brand owners who are eligible can add Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) to any product of theirs listed on ASIN. Amazon A+ Content can be added to both parent and child ASINs.
  • The A+ content must be accompanied by a brand logo, which is submitted during the product registration process.
  • The content should be family-friendly and adhere to the Amazon A+ Content Guidelines.These are just some of the requirements to get started with Amazon A+ Content. Keep reading to learn more!

How To Create Amazon A+ Content

Creating your own Amazon A+ Content may seem intimidating at first, but it can be a straightforward process with the right know-how. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create effective Amazon A+ Content quickly and easily.

Step One: Login to Amazon Seller Central Account

Log into your Amazon Seller Central account. After logging in, hover over Advertising and select A+ Content Manager.

Step Two: Select Create A+ Content

After clicking on A+ Content Manager, you will be taken to the A+ Content dashboard. Here, you can select Create A+ Content in order to begin creating your content.

Step Three: Select the Language

The next step is to pick the language in which you would like your content to be created. You can choose from English, Spanish, German, French, and Italian. Depending on the purpose of your content, you can pick the language which is most suited to your target audience. Once you have decided upon a language, it’s time to start writing!

Step Four: Add Module

Click on the ‘Add Module’ button to begin creating your Amazon A+ Content. Your content should be informative and descriptive, with detailed information about the product or service being sold. You can add high-quality images, videos, and other rich media to further enhance the customer experience.

Step Five: Type Your Module

You can pick from seven different types of modules, each with its own unique purpose. Let’s focus on these modules:

  • Module 1: Logo. This module allows you to add your logo and build brand awareness.
  • Module 2: Image Header With Text – A large 970 x 600-pixel image resolution that showcases the product or company, this can be accompanied by the text below the image to further explain the brand story and goal of the page.
  • Module 3: Standard Image & Dark Text Overlay – An eye-catching 970 x 300-pixel banner graphic with dark text overlay to draw attention and explain what the page is about.
  • Module 4: Standard Single Image & Specs Detail – A single 300 x 300-pixel image accompanied by product info or specs that you want to highlight can be added to this module.
  • Module 5: Standard Single Left Image – A single 300 x 300 image with text to explain the main feature or benefit of your product.
  • Module 6: Standard Single Right Image – Similar to Module 5, this is a great spot to talk about another feature or benefit of your product.
  • Module 7: Standard Three Images & Text – Here, you can add three 300 x 300 pixel enhanced images with accompanying text to explain other product features or benefits.

Choose the modules that best represent your product and craft your message accordingly. Keep in mind that all modules are customizable, so you can easily edit them to make them more suitable for your needs.

Step Six: Apply the A+ Content to an ASIN

Once you’ve created your content, the final step is to apply it to an ASIN. You can choose to apply it to one or multiple ASINs that you own on Amazon. You can either apply existing content to a new ASIN or create completely new content for an existing ASIN. To apply your A+ Content, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the A+ Content Manager from your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Select ‘Apply Content’ and find the ASIN or ASINs that you wish to apply content to.
  • Choose the A+ Content that you want to apply and click ‘Submit’.

And with that, you’ve successfully applied your A+ Content to your ASIN(s)!

Step Seven: Review and Submit for Approval

Once you’ve applied your content, it’s time to review and submit it for approval. This process can take up to 24 hours depending on the complexity of the content. Amazon reserves the right to reject any content that does not meet its guidelines or standards, so make sure you review your content thoroughly before submitting it. Once your content is approved, it will be visible on the product page on Amazon.

By following these steps, you can create and apply effective Amazon A+ Content for your products quickly and easily. The approved brand catalog and A+ Content will help your customers make informed purchasing decisions and will help you stand out from the competition. With the right content, you can significantly improve customer experience on your product page and boost sales as a result.

Are There Any Differences Between A+ Content And Enhanced Brand Content?

Enhanced brand content for a specific product listing or entire product catalog

Yes, there are differences between A+ Content and Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). While both types of content can be used to boost product pages, they have different functions.

A+ Content provides additional information about a product or service that customers may not find in the product description. It can include visuals, videos, and interactive content. Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) helps brands build a stronger presence on Amazon by allowing them to customize the product page with additional elements such as logos, brand slogans, product images, or videos. It is designed to help customers connect with the brand on an emotional level.

A+ Content and EBC can both be used to drive product sales and engagement, but it is important to understand the differences between them so you can decide which one is best for your needs.

Creating Amazon A+ Content doesn’t have to be difficult – with the right know-how and planning, you can create effective content quickly and easily.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Creating A+ Content

Create comparison charts and include key features for enhanced product descriptions and get more sales

Now that you know the basics of A+ Content, here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating enhanced brand content:

  • Do use visuals – include photos, videos, and other interactive elements to make your content more engaging on your product detail page.
  • Don’t forget about SEO – optimize your content for search engines of both desktop and mobile versions so customers can easily find it.
  • Do keep the content up to date to enhance conversion rate – make sure you update your content regularly so customers are always informed about any changes or new features with your products or services.
  • Don’t go overboard – keep it concise and don’t overwhelm customers with too much information.
  • Do use A+ Content to supplement product descriptions – remember that A+ Content is not meant to replace product descriptions, it should be used to enhance them.
  • Don’t forget about Amazon’s guidelines – make sure you adhere to Amazon’s requirements and best practices when creating A+ Content.

These tips will help you create A+ Content that is both informative and engaging. Following these guidelines will ensure your content is effective and meets Amazon’s standards.

What Are The Differences For A+ Content Between Sellers And Vendors?

There are only a few differences between the requirements for A+ Content for brand-registered sellers and vendors. Both sellers and vendors must meet the eligibility criteria to publish A+ Content, but only vendors have access to a few additional features. These include interactive content and video support – both of which are available for an extra fee.

Overall, the differences between A+ Content for sellers and vendors are minimal. Sellers can still create effective A+ Content and use it to supplement their product pages, while vendors have access to additional features that can help take their content to the next level. Some vendors may find these features worth the extra cost, while others might choose to stick with basic A+ Content.

How To Fully Optimize Your Amazon A+ Content

Describe product features in the brand registry for better search results

Once you have created your A+ Content, it is important to optimize it for maximum impact. Here are some tips to ensure your content is fully optimized:

1. Use Visuals

In order to make your A+ Content stand out, incorporate visuals such as images, videos, or interactive elements. This can help customers connect with the product and make it more memorable. The product image size requirements should be kept in mind when creating visuals – such as:

  • Logos being 600 x 180 pixels
  • Banners being 970 x 300 pixels
  • Comparison charts being 150 x 300 pixels
  • Additionally, other lifestyle images may need to be 300×300 in size

The comparison chart is a great way to present the features and benefits of the product in an organized and easy-to-understand manner.

2. Leverage The Available Modules

Amazon offers a variety of modules and components to help you create an engaging A+ Content page. Consider using features such as Four-Image & Text Module (220 x 220 pixels) and Four-Image Quadrant (135 x 135 pixels). Additionally, make sure that the text is written in an easy-to-read format and includes relevant keywords.

3. Include Customer Reviews

Including potential customer reviews is a great way to add credibility to your A+ Content page. This also encourages other customers to leave their own positive reviews, which will create more content for you to leverage in the future.

4. Create Engaging Content

Be familiar with content guidelines for digital marketing

Your A+ Content should include persuasive copy that engages customers and encourages them to purchase the product. Use brand stories, facts, figures, comparisons, or testimonials to create persuasive content. Additionally, consider using bullet points and other formatting techniques to break up the text and make it easier for customers to read.

5. Add Relevant Links

Adding links to other relevant pages in your A+ Content can drive more traffic to your page and keep customers engaged. For instance, you could link to product FAQs, customer reviews, or even related products that might be of interest.

6. SEO Optimization

Optimizing your A+ Content for search engines is also an important step. This includes using relevant image keywords in the page title, headings, and body text. Additionally, you could add a meta description to help boost your content’s visibility in the SERPs.

7. Monitor Performance

Premium content feature for the same product on the highly competitive marketplace

It is important to monitor the performance of your A+ Content page, as this will help emerging brand owners identify areas for improvement. Analyze customer engagement and conversions over time to make sure that your page is performing as expected.

By following these tips, you will be able to fully optimize your Amazon A+ Content and ensure that it is delivering the maximum impact for your product page.


In conclusion, Amazon A+ Content can be a great tool to enhance product listings on your marketplace. It allows you to show off different key product features of your items in an attractive and informative way, while also making it easier for shoppers to find the exact items they’re looking for. With relatively little effort, you can create eye-catching content that will make your listings stand out and encourage shoppers to click.

When creating Amazon-enhanced brand Content, be sure to keep in mind the tips mentioned in this guide. Make sure that you have high-quality visuals and copy that accurately represents each item’s interactive content features. As long as you have engaging content and a clear call-to-action, your product listings are sure to stand out from the competition.

With Amazon A+ Content, your product listings can be more attractive and informative than ever. So get creative and start creating some amazing A+ Content today!

Be sure to check out our other e-commerce guides.