Feb 5, 2023

12 minutes

Amazon Advertising Guide For Sellers

Amazon advertising can be a powerful tool for any seller to get their products in front of the right audience. With the right strategy and implementation, it can help drive your sales and increase brand visibility – but where do you even begin?

This Amazon Advertising Guide for Sellers is here to help! We’ll walk through everything from setting up campaigns to understanding the different types of Amazon-sponsored ads available. So, let’s get started!

What Are Amazon Ads?

Amazon Ads are advertisements that appear within Amazon’s search results and on product detail pages. Advertisers pay to have their products featured prominently, making them more visible to potential customers. Sponsored brand ads can be used to target specific keywords or customer demographics and can be tailored to fit any budget.

Types of Amazon Ads

Amazon PPC ads for sponsored brands campaigns

Amazon offers a variety of different ad types to help sellers advertise on Amazon and reach their desired audience. Here’s an overview of the most popular types:

1. Sponsored Products Ads

The first type of Amazon Advertising is Sponsored Products Ads. These are custom ads that appear in search results and product pages, helping you to draw more attention to your products when customers search for items like yours. With these types of ads, you can bid on keywords related to your products, giving you more control over who sees your ad and how much it costs you. Plus, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad—so you can get more visibility for a lower advertising cost.

To get started with Sponsored Product Ads, make sure to review Amazon’s Advertising Policies and choose relevant keywords for your Amazon-sponsored brands ads that accurately describe the products you offer. You will also need to create an Ad Group for each of your banner ads and add a budget for each one.

Set your bids and adjust them as needed to optimize your sponsored brand campaigns. Once you’ve completed these steps, you can track the performance of each campaign using Amazon Advertising’s reporting tools. With these insights, you can find out what’s working and make adjustments to get the most out of your sponsored brands campaign for sponsored brands.

Creating an effective Sponsored Products Ad campaign requires a bit of trial and error, but when done properly it can be a great way to boost your products’ visibility on Amazon.

2. Headline Search Ads

PPC advertising and sponsored ads for an Amazon store

Headline Search Ads are tiny text-based ads that appear on the top of the Amazon search results page. These ads are highly effective in drawing shoppers’ attention and quickly directing them to your product page, making it an ideal advertising option for sellers who want to increase visibility and drive traffic to their product pages. Headline Search Ads offer a variety of targeting options so you can define your target audience and tailor your messages to them.

You can control your budget and bids, as well as set maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bids in order to keep spending within the range that works best for your business. With Headline Search Ads you have the ability to drive more traffic at a lower cost than other ad formats, so you get the most out of your investment.

Headline Search Ads are a great option for sellers looking to drive more traffic and sales to their product pages. With its ability to monitor performance in real-time and optimize spending, Headline Search Ads offers an efficient way to reach potential customers and increase visibility on Amazon.

To get started, simply create an ad campaign with your budget and keyword targeting, upload creative assets, and launch your ad. Once you’ve launched your campaign, Amazon will automatically optimize it for the best performance possible. To get the most out of your Headline Search Ads campaigns, make sure to monitor their performance on a regular basis and adjust bids, budgets, and creative assets as needed to reach your desired outcomes.

3. Display Ads

Display Ads are image-based ads that appear on Amazon.com and other Amazon sites, giving you the ability to reach potential customers wherever they are shopping. With Amazon Product Display Ads, you can create targeted campaigns based on a variety of criteria including gender, age range, interests, and more. You can also control your budget and targeting settings, allowing you to optimize your campaigns for maximum performance.

Display Ads are a powerful way to drive traffic, promote products, and increase sales on Amazon. To get started with sponsored Display Ads, create an ad campaign using the targeting settings that meet your needs and upload creative assets. Once you’ve launched your campaign, use Amazon Advertising’s reporting tools to track performance and make adjustments as needed.

Amazon Advertising offers a variety of ad formats, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your needs and budget. With a bit of trial and error, you can create effective campaigns that will help you reach more potential customers and drive sales on Amazon.

4. Video Ads

Include negative keywords for your Amazon sponsored product ads during keyword targeting

Amazon Video Ads are a great way to grab the attention of potential customers. These ads appear on Amazon’s video platforms, including Amazon Video and Fire TV, allowing you to reach your target audience wherever they’re watching. With Video Ads, you have the ability to create targeted campaigns with advanced targeting options including age range, gender, and interests.

You can even target customers based on their purchase history, creating a more personalized ad experience. Video Ads are also highly customizable with options to create eye-catching video creative featuring your products or services. With the right message and creativity, Video Ads can help to drive increased brand awareness for brand-registered sellers and sales on Amazon.

If you’re interested in creating Video sponsored brands Ads for your business, you can use Amazon Advertising Solutions to create and manage campaigns. This platform offers a variety of tools and features that make it easy to create effective ads including an intuitive ad creator, budget management capabilities, real-time reporting, and more.

Video Ads are a great way to reach customers and promote your products or services on Amazon. With the right creative and targeting options, you can create effective campaigns that drive increased brand awareness and sales. Use Amazon Advertising Solutions to create and manage your Video Ads campaigns for maximum success.

These four ad formats from Amazon Advertising provide sellers with a variety of options to reach potential customers and drive sales. Whether you’re looking for targeted campaigns or large-scale visibility, Amazon Advertising has the tools and features needed to create successful ad campaigns.

How To Get Started With Amazon Advertising

Create an Amazon advertising strategy for ad spend

Ready to get started with Amazon Advertising? There are several steps you’ll need to complete before launching your campaigns.

Step One: Set Up An Amazon Advertising Account

The first step to getting started with Amazon Advertising is to create an account. This process is simple and only takes a few minutes. To create an account, all you need is your Amazon Seller Central username and password. Once your account is set up, you’ll be able to create campaigns, enter payment information, and manage your ad campaigns from a single dashboard.

Step Two: Choose The Right Ad Format For Your Business

Once you’ve created an account, the next step is to choose the ad format that best fits your needs. Depending on your budget and goals, you may opt for sponsored products, display ads, video ads, or a combination of formats.

Step Three: Create Effective Campaigns

The key to successful Amazon Advertising campaigns is creating effective ads with strong creative and compelling messaging. When creating your campaigns, make sure to focus on quality rather than quantity. Spend time crafting messages that speak to your target audience and designing creative assets that stand out from the competition.

Step Four: Monitor Performance

Once your campaigns are up and running, it’s important to stay on top of their performance. Amazon Advertising provides a range of reporting and analytics tools that allow you to measure campaign performance and adjust your strategy as needed. The product detail page insights feature provides an even deeper look into customer behavior and ad performance, so you can tweak your campaigns to improve results.

Step Five: Adjust As Needed

As you track your campaigns’ performance, be sure to make adjustments and optimize where necessary. From adjusting budgets to testing new creative and messaging, there are many ways to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns over time.

By following these steps, you can get started with Amazon Advertising and create successful campaigns that reach your target customers and drive sales.

Strategies To Maximize Your Amazon Advertising Success

Now that you know the basics of Amazon Advertising, there are a few strategies that you can use to maximize your success.

1. Utilize Audience Targeting

Amazon advertising costs of Amazon marketing services like Amazon video ads

Audience targeting is a powerful tool available to sellers using Amazon Advertising. It allows you to specify the customer demographic and interests you want to target with your ad, helping you to reach the right customers for your products. With audience targeting, you can use features such as age and gender to define who sees your ads. You can also choose from a variety of interests, including lifestyle categories, and even drill down to different product interests.

This is a great way to make sure your ads reach the right customers. Additionally, Amazon also offers you the ability to create lookalike audiences based on existing customers so you can target similar shoppers who are likely to be interested in your products.

2. Use Compelling Creative

An effective ad campaign needs more than just a great message. You also need compelling creative assets that grab the attention of potential customers and drive them to take action. When creating your ads, focus on designing visuals that stand out from the competition and accurately represent your brand.

Ideally, you should create different variations of each ad so you can test which one performs best. You can also use A/B testing to evaluate which messages and visuals are resonating with customers. The more you’re able to optimize your creative assets, the more successful your campaigns will be.

3. Invest In Testing

Testing audio ads, video ads and Amazon headline search ads for your Amazon sponsored brands campaign

Testing is a crucial part of creating successful Amazon Advertising campaigns. Whether it’s testing different messages, images, or ad formats, you should always be looking for ways to optimize your campaigns and maximize your ROI.

By running tests and tracking the performance of each variation, you can determine which elements are working best for you. This could be a message that resonates with your target audience, an image that catches their attention, or even a specific ad format.

You can also use testing to discover what’s not working and make adjustments accordingly. If you find that certain elements of your campaigns are underperforming, you can tweak them or eliminate them altogether in order to improve the results.

Testing is an ongoing process and the key to achieving success with Amazon Advertising. The more you test, the better you’ll understand your customers, what resonates with them, and how to drive conversions at a lower cost.

4. Leverage Amazon’s Automated Campaigns

Amazon’s automated campaigns allow sellers to easily create and manage large-scale campaigns with minimal effort. These automated campaigns are perfect for those who don’t have the time or resources to manage complex manual campaigns.

Amazon’s automated campaigns utilize machine learning and algorithms to continuously optimize campaigns for maximum performance. Once set up, the automated campaigns monitor and adjust bids, budgets, placements, and targeting to ensure your campaigns are optimized for success.

To get started with Amazon’s automated campaigns you’ll need to create a campaign in Seller Central and choose ‘Automated Campaign’ as the campaign type. You can then specify your budget, target audience and other parameters to get the most out of your campaigns.

The beauty of Amazon’s automated campaigns is that once set up, you don’t have to do much else! The campaigns will continuously monitor performance and adjust accordingly for maximum efficiency. This makes it an ideal solution for busy or inexperienced sellers.

These are the strategies you should consider when creating successful Amazon Advertising campaigns. With a little time and effort, you can create campaigns that deliver great results and help you meet your business goals.


At the end of the day, Amazon Advertising can be an incredibly powerful tool for sellers to increase their visibility and reach new customers. By understanding how to create effective campaigns, targeting options, and using the right metrics to track success, you can maximize your results with Amazon Advertising.

With a little effort and some strategic planning, you’ll be able to find success and increase your profits. Just remember to be patient and consistent with your campaigns, as well as to take advantage of the helpful resources Amazon provides.

Be sure to check out our other e-commerce guides.