Jan 14, 2023

12 minutes

Amazon SEO: How To Optimize Product Listings

Amazon is a great platform to market your products and services. But, you can’t just list and forget – if you want to succeed in getting your product noticed by potential customers, you need to perform Amazon SEO. This involves optimizing the listing of your product with keywords and other techniques so that it appears higher up in search results, increasing the chances of a sale.

In this guide, we’ll discuss how you can use Amazon SEO to optimize product listings to be more visible and get more sales. So that you and your business can reap the rewards of Amazon’s success, let’s get started!

What Is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO for improved product rankings in Amazon's search engine

Optimizing a product on Amazon is no easy feat. With thousands of products vying for the top spot, the process of leveraging Amazon’s search engine optimization (SEO) tools to make sure your store stands out is critical. Amazon search engine optimization involves understanding how shoppers use Amazon’s search features and taking advantage of relevant keywords, strategically placed reviews, and smart pricing and promotional techniques to ensure that shoppers find your listing as quickly as possible.

It requires careful planning, detailed attention to customer reviews, and ongoing testing and tweaking in order to maximize visibility – putting you ahead of the game. Doing this well can take significant time and effort, but the payoff can be huge.

What Is Amazon Listing Optimization?

Before we go into how to do Amazon SEO, let’s talk about Amazon Listing Optimization. This is the process of optimizing your product page on different search engines to make sure it stands out on Amazon’s search engine results pages (SERPs). This process includes utilizing relevant keywords, crafting eye-catching titles and product descriptions, uploading quality product images, and leveraging helpful customer reviews.

When you step into digital marketing to optimize your listing, your product detail page is more likely to show up higher in the SERPs when shoppers search for related terms. This increases the chances of them clicking through to it and subsequently making a purchase.

Amazon Listing Optimization And The Amazon Algorithm

Amazon knows that relevant search results are critical for shoppers to find and purchase the items they need. That’s why Amazon has an algorithm known as the A9 algorithm that optimizes listings, with the goal of providing users with the most accurate matches to their search terms. With this powerful algorithmic tool, e-commerce sites ensure that users can always find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

To see A9 in action, do a search on Amazon such as “pool safety fence.” You will see that the first search results are related to pool safety fences, with other items further down the list.

When optimizing your Amazon product listing, it’s important to understand how A9 works and what factors it considers when ranking listings. This algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, including the number of reviews, product titles and keywords, price, availability, customer ratings and reviews, and more. Search volume and relevance are also taken into account, so try to optimize your listing with both in mind.

By understanding these parameters and optimizing your listing accordingly, you can ensure that it appears higher up in the SERPs — making it easier for shoppers to find your product and make a purchase.

How To Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings

Now that you understand the basics of the Amazon algorithm, let’s look at how you can use Amazon SEO to optimize your product listings. There are several steps you can take to make sure your product pages are visible and stand out in the SERPs:

1. Audit And Refine Your Product Titles

Amazon seller should optimize product titles for more sales and positive reviews

When it comes to Amazon SEO, the product title is one of the most important elements. A good product title should include relevant keywords that accurately describe your product and differentiate it from similar products on the platform. Additionally, make sure you are using all available characters (up to 200) as some shoppers may search for an exact phrase that matches what’s in your title.

It is also important to include unique and relevant attributes like brand name, material/ingredients, color/flavor variations, size, etc. This will help shoppers find exactly the product they are searching for on Amazon and increase the chance of a conversion.

Also, make sure that titles are optimized for both desktop and mobile shoppers. Some shoppers may be using a device with a small screen, so they won’t want to scroll through a long title that doesn’t fit on one line.

2. Craft A Compelling Product Description

The product description is another critical factor for Amazon SEO. This section allows you to provide more detail about your product and explain why shoppers should buy it over similar products. Make sure the description is accurate, concise, and well-written with no typos or grammar mistakes. Additionally, include relevant keywords throughout the text but be careful not to overload your description with too many keywords or use them unnaturally.

It’s also a good idea to include customer reviews and ratings in the product description. This allows shoppers to get an unbiased opinion from other users who have purchased the same item — helping them make an informed decision about whether your product is right for them. Sometimes the description of your product features can make or break the decision to buy, so make sure it is up to standard.

3. Utilize Keyword Research

Conduct keyword research to utilize high search volume keywords using a paid or free tool

When optimizing your product listings for Amazon SEO, keyword research is essential. It allows you to understand which words shoppers are using when searching for products and can give you an idea of what keywords to target in your listing.

Amazon offers its own keyword research tool called Seller Central, which can help you identify relevant keywords for your product. Additionally, there are several third-party tools such as Keyword Tool and KeywordKeg that you can use to find the best keywords for your listing.

By using the right keywords in your product title and description, you can increase the visibility of your product in search results.

This will make it easier for shoppers to find and purchase from you, giving you a competitive edge over other sellers on the platform. Keywords should be used strategically and sparingly, as too many keywords can actually hurt your listing’s ranking.

Make sure you include the most relevant keywords in the front of the title or the beginning of the description to maximize their impact. Doing so will help ensure that shoppers are seeing your product when they search for specific items related to yours.

4. Improve Product Images

Use high quality images for your product category in your Amazon Seller Central account to improve your product listing

Product images are an important part of Amazon SEO. Shoppers want to see what they’re buying, so having high-quality images can help them make a decision about purchasing your product. The first image should be clear and attractive, as this is the one that shoppers will see when browsing products on Amazon.

You should also include additional images which show features of your product in greater detail, as well as zoomed-in shots for a closer look. Make sure to use the image guidelines set out by Amazon and list all of the features that are visible on each image to help shoppers find what they’re looking for.

It is also important to ensure that all of your product images are relevant. Don’t use images that aren’t related to the item, such as stock photos from other websites. Images should be consistent with the content of your listing and accurately depict the product being sold. This will help shoppers feel more confident in making a purchase and make them more likely to purchase your product.

Don’t forget to optimize the filename of each image with relevant keywords. This will help Amazon recognize and rank the images in their search results, increasing the chances of shoppers finding them. By optimizing your product images you can ensure that shoppers have all of the information they need to make an informed decision about purchasing your product. This will help to increase your sales and drive more traffic to your listing.

5. Utilize Back-End Search Terms

While most of your Amazon SEO efforts will be focused on optimizing the front end of your product listing, it’s important to also consider the back end. Back-end search terms are keywords that shoppers can’t see but which help Amazon’s algorithm to rank your product in search results.

These terms should be relevant to the product and include any variations of words or phrases that shoppers might use when searching for your item. For example, if you’re selling a “red t-shirt” you could also include keywords such as “red top”, “red tee”, and “red shirt”.

You can add up to 250 characters in the backend search terms field, so make sure to include as many relevant keywords as possible. This will help Amazon’s algorithm understand what your product is and rank it higher in organic search results, increasing your chances of appearing on the first search engine results page of listings.

It’s important to remember that back-end search terms are case-sensitive. This means you need to pay attention to capitalization and spelling when creating your keyword list. Failing to do so could result in shoppers not being able to find your product even if it is relevant to their search query. By taking the time to optimize your back-end search terms, you can significantly increase the visibility of your product listings and get more sales on Amazon.

6. Leverage Amazon’s Promotional Tools

Attract buyers with enhanced brand content over product descriptions, key product features and more

Amazon offers a range of promotional tools which can be used to boost visibility and increase sales of your products. These include:

  • Amazon Ads: Advertise your products to shoppers who are most likely to be interested in them.
  • Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon): Let Amazon store and ship your products, so you don’t have to worry about managing inventory or shipping orders yourself.
  • Amazon Prime Shipping: Offer faster delivery times and get your products to shoppers in fewer than two days.
  • Amazon Vine: Get access to the most influential shoppers on Amazon and get honest reviews that will help boost sales.

By taking advantage of these promotional tools, you can increase the visibility and sales of your products on Amazon. Make sure to research each tool and determine which ones are best for your business’s needs. These tools can be a great way to optimize your Amazon product listings and take your business to the next level.

7. Monitor Your Search Results

Once you’ve implemented all of the steps above, it’s important to keep an eye on the results. Monitor your sales, impressions, and click-through rates (CTR) to see how customers are interacting with your product listings. This information can help you identify areas where you may need to make improvements or changes, as well as determine which Amazon SEO strategies are working best for your business.

Regularly monitoring and analyzing your data can also help you stay ahead of the competition. This will allow you to adjust your strategies as needed in order to ensure that your product listings remain optimized and at the top of Amazon’s search results.

By following these best practices for Amazon SEO, you can optimize your product listings for higher visibility and increased sales. Just remember that SEO is an ever-evolving process, so it’s important to keep monitoring your results and make adjustments as needed in order to ensure that your product listings remain optimized.

Is Amazon Listing Optimization Worth It?

Amazon listing optimization may sound like a daunting task, but it is worth the effort. Optimizing your Amazon listings can provide you with increased visibility, improved search rankings, and ultimately more sales. You can stand out among competitors by adding visual content such as high-quality images and videos to capture customer attention.

With thoughtful keyword optimization in product titles, descriptions, and bullet points, you can increase the chances potential customers will find your product first. A well-crafted listing with reviews also serves as important social proof that converts casual browsers into buyers. Overall, investing time in optimizing your Amazon listings ensures greater returns for your business in the long term.


Now that you know how to optimize your Amazon product listings, it’s time to take action. Implement the strategies outlined in this guide and monitor the results closely. Keep an eye on your keyword rankings, and make changes if necessary.

SEO can be a complex process, but with the right tactics and techniques, you can boost your product visibility and drive more sales. Just remember to stay organized, track your progress and keep a close eye on the competition.

Be sure to check out our other e-commerce guides.