Jan 19, 2023

12 minutes

Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool: The Pros And Cons

Amazon’s automated pricing tool provides a unique and powerful way to optimize your pricing strategy across their platform. It automates the process of monitoring competitor prices, setting minimum and maximum prices, and adjusting your listings when needed to maximize profits. However, it’s important to evaluate both sides of the equation before using this tool in order to make an informed decision.

In this article, we’ll outline the pros and cons of Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool so you can make a decision that best fits your business needs. Because, after all, what’s good for one business might not be ideal for another. Let’s get started!

Pros Of Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool

Automated pricing tool in seller central dashboard

The first section of this article will look at the advantages in detail associated with using Amazon’s automated pricing tool.

1. Sets Price Floors/Ceilings

Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool allows you to set a minimum price and maximum price points for products. This makes it easy to ensure that your pricing remains competitive while also allowing you to maintain a certain level of profitability for each product.

Additionally, with this tool, prices can be changed on an item-by-item basis or across all products in your store at once. This allows you to respond quickly and easily to changing market conditions, allowing you to maximize profits without sacrificing customer satisfaction.

Another advantage of this tool is that it can be used to automatically undercut competitors’ prices while still leaving room for a small profit margin. This helps you gain an edge over the competition without having to continuously monitor competitor prices manually.

The Amazon automated pricing tool can also be used by the only seller to set slightly higher prices through manual repricing in cases where there is a lack of competition or when demand for a product is high, allowing you to capture more profit from the sale.

2. Time-Saving

Time saving for professional selling plan with Amazon's pricing tool

Amazon’s automated pricing tool is also incredibly time-saving. It eliminates the need for retailers to update pricing across multiple channels manually. This can be a tedious process, especially when done frequently. With Amazon’s tool, once you input your preferences and repricing rules, it takes care of the rest. It will automatically adjust prices based on competitors and market trends, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of the business.

This tool also takes out the guesswork involved in pricing your products. Rather than trying to estimate how much an item should be priced at, you can simply set your preferences and let Amazon take care of it from there. This ensures that you have the most accurate pricing information available, which can help you maintain a competitive edge.

3. Easy to Use

The Amazon pricing tool is also incredibly easy to use. It has a user-friendly interface and straightforward rules that make it simple to set up and manage. Also, the tool provides helpful tips and tutorials on how to properly set up and use the system.

This makes it ideal for businesses of all sizes, from large enterprise companies to small businesses. With the Amazon pricing tool, you don’t have to worry about wasting time learning how to use it – all that’s required is a few clicks, and you can start managing your prices with ease.

The ease of use makes it easy for businesses to quickly and accurately adjust their prices according to market conditions, allowing them to stay competitive and maximize their profits. This is especially helpful for businesses with low margins who need to keep up with the latest trends in order to remain profitable.

4. Data-Driven Decisions

The pricing rule for FBA sellers as per price change for Amazon seller

Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool allows for data-driven decision-making. By tracking customer behavior, the tool can help you make decisions based on actual facts and figures. With this information, you can adjust the pricing accordingly to maximize profits or target certain markets.

Furthermore, the tool provides insights into competitor prices (the highest or lowest price) and trends so that you can stay competitive. This helps ensure that you are able to remain competitive while staying price-conscious. Because the competitive external price data is automatically collected, you can avoid spending time on manual research.

Data-driven decisions are beneficial because they allow you to make informed decisions without having to rely solely on intuition. This helps give you an edge over your competition and allows you to stay ahead of the game.

5. No Third-Party Involvement

Another advantage of Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool is that it eliminates the need for third-party involvement. This helps reduce costs and save time since you don’t have to pay additional fees or wait for someone else to make changes on your behalf. This also allows you to maintain complete control over the pricing of your products and makes it easier to keep track of any changes that occur in the market.

Since all pricing decisions are made internally, Amazon is able to respond quickly to competitive changes in a way that wouldn’t be possible if working with an outside service provider.

Third-party involvement is also eliminated when it comes to making updates to pricing, as Amazon’s automated tool allows you to make changes quickly on your own. This gives you the flexibility and convenience of managing your prices at any time without having to involve a third-party service provider.

6. You Can Maintain Your Brand Image

The automated pricing tool can help you maintain your brand image. This is especially important if you’re selling premium products or services. You can set parameters that make sure the prices of your goods and services match up with what customers expect from your brand.

You won’t have to worry about lowballing the competition and ruining your reputation as a high-end provider. This ensures customer loyalty and can even give you an edge over your competitors.

Moreover, by having a consistent pricing strategy, potential customers will trust that the price they see is reliable and won’t change from one visit to the next. This builds consumer confidence in your business and helps you to establish yourself as a trusted seller.

7. Automated Pricing Tool Helps You Save Money

Automate repricing for a competitive buy box for your Amazon business listings

The Automated Pricing Tool offered by Amazon helps you save money. The tool will automatically adjust your prices based on the current market, enabling you to capture more sales and profits. This means that if the demand for a product increases or decreases, your price can be adjusted accordingly. As such, you won’t need to manually update your prices, which can be time-consuming.

Furthermore, Amazon’s algorithm can help you ensure that your products aren’t being sold too cheaply, so you don’t lose out on profits either. Ultimately, this tool helps you maximize your profit potential without requiring much effort from you.

Also, the Automated Pricing Tool will save you money in the long run. You will no longer have to worry about overpaying for inventory or having goods that don’t sell. This can save you a lot of money in the long run and help make sure your business remains profitable in the future. In addition, by using Amazon’s tool, you won’t need to pay for expensive software or hire staff to manage and optimize your pricing plus the buy box price.

These are just some of the advantages of Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool. With its data-driven decisions, third-party elimination, and ability to help you maintain your brand image and save money – it’s no wonder that this tool has become so popular among online sellers.

Drawbacks Of Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool

Despite the many advantages of using Amazon’s Automated Pricing Tool, there are some potential drawbacks that you should be aware of.

1. Limited Customization

Automated repricing with the intuitive interface available in Amazon seller central

The biggest drawback of the automated pricing tool is that it limits your ability to customize your prices. The tool may not take into consideration certain factors like shipping costs, taxes, and other fees, which could affect the final price charged to customers. Also, since all pricing decisions are made by Amazon’s algorithm, you may find it difficult to adjust your prices in a way that works for your business.

In some cases, this could mean that you end up charging too little or too much for certain items. This could potentially lead to lost sales or profits if the price isn’t right.

2. Limited Visibility

Another potential drawback is limited visibility. Amazon’s automated pricing tool does not give retailers a complete picture of the competitive landscape. It simply advises them to stay within a certain range in order to remain competitive without providing an insight into what your competitors are doing and how they’re setting their prices. This can lead to retailers making decisions that aren’t necessarily informed or wise.

Moreover, the algorithm may not take into account potentially external factors that could influence pricing, such as supply chain issues or current market trends. Therefore, it pays to do your own research and keep an eye on what your competitors are doing in order to maximize profits. The competitive lowest price is not always the most profitable option.

3. Automated Pricing Can Lead To Unethical Practices

One of the biggest criticisms leveled against Amazon’s automated pricing tool is that it can lead to unethical practices. By setting prices automatically, sellers may be tempted to engage in price gouging or other forms of unfair pricing. This could mean that certain products are priced too high relative to their value, disadvantaging buyers and harming competition in the market.

Furthermore, some sellers may use automated pricing to engage in predatory practices, such as setting price floors below which prices will never fall, regardless of market conditions. This could lead to unfair profits for certain sellers and higher prices for consumers in the long run.

In order to ensure fairness and competition in the marketplace, Amazon has put a number of safeguards in place to prevent Amazon sellers from engaging in unethical practices. For example, Amazon’s algorithms will automatically detect and block any price changes that are deemed too extreme or unjustified.

Furthermore, professional seller accounts must manually approve any pricing changes made by their automated pricing systems. This ensures that all price changes are legitimate and not based on predatory motivations.

4. Automation May Come At A Cost

Eliminate human error from manual repricing by using automated repricing

Although Amazon’s automated pricing tool is a great way to save time and effort, it may come at a cost. One of the main drawbacks is that you don’t have full control over your prices. When demand suddenly increases or decreases, the tool adjusts accordingly and you basically have no say in the matter.

For example, if you want to do a promotion or sale and lower your prices, the repricing tool may not take that into consideration and could end up setting a higher price than necessary.

The cost of the automation can also add up since you may need to pay for extra subscription fees or other related costs. Plus, if the automated pricing tool makes a mistake, it can be difficult to rectify the issue, and it may take time before you realize that there’s an issue in the first place.

5. No Bulk Pricing Rules

Finally, one of the biggest drawbacks is that Amazon’s automated pricing tool does not include any bulk pricing rules. This means that you cannot set a different price for certain products if they are purchased in bulk or large quantities.

This can be an issue for businesses that rely on offering discounts to wholesalers and bulk buyers as it limits their ability to offer attractive discounts or incentives. Sometimes, this could mean that buyers may purchase their products from competitors who offer better prices. Amazon applies pricing rules to individual items, so it pays to be aware of this and ensure that your pricing strategy is competitive enough to bring in buyers.

Therefore, if you are looking to use Amazon’s automated pricing tool, it pays to be aware of these drawbacks and limitations. These drawbacks aren’t necessarily deal breakers, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into so you can make an informed decision.


Now that you know the pros and cons of Amazon’s automated pricing tool, you can make an informed decision about whether it is right for your business. While automation may save time and effort, you need to consider potential pitfalls such as unethical practices or lack of bulk pricing rules. Ultimately, it pays to do your own research and determine if the tool suits your pricing needs.

Just be sure to weigh the pros and cons before you dive in. And, be sure to read up on Amazon’s guidelines so that you understand what actions are allowed and which ones may result in penalties or other forms of repercussions. Ultimately, it pays to do your own research and determine if the tool suits your pricing needs.

Be sure to check out our other e-commerce guides.