Sep 19, 2022

11 minutes

How To Get Started Selling On The Home Depot

With 180 million unique visitors per month, The Home Depot is one of the largest home improvement retailers in the world. And, as a market leader, Home Depot takes its vendor relationships seriously. If you’re interested in selling your products at The Home Depot, you’ll need to undergo a rigorous application process. But, if you’re up for the challenge, getting approved to sell on The Home Depot can be a great way to grow your business.

In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to get started selling on The Home Depot. We’ll cover the application process, what products are a good fit for The Home Depot, and how to optimize your product listings for success. Let’s get started.

What Is Home Depot Looking For? 

If you want to start selling on The Home Depot, you’ll need to do your research and figure out what they’re looking for in a supplier. The first step is to submit a new product form through their website. This is your opportunity to make a great first impression, so be sure to put your best foot forward.

In addition to filling out basic information about yourself, take the time to sell yourself and your product. Why should Home Depot choose you over all of the other options out there? Focus on what makes you unique and highlight why your product would be a valuable addition to their store.

1. New Products Submission Form

If you’re interested in selling your product at The Home Depot, you’ll need to fill out a New Product Submission Form. This form is your opportunity to convince the Home Depot staff that your product is worth their time and consideration, so it’s important to be clear, concise, and persuasive. Take the time to explain your product, its use, and what need it could fill for Home Depot customers. The better your product looks on paper, the greater your chance of discussing it further with decision-makers. Because Home Depot conducts its entire supplier application process online, you must put care and effort into every form you submit.

2. Compliance and Service Licenses

There are a few things you need to do before getting started. First, ensure your business complies with all local, state, and federal environmental, insurance, and labor standards. Home Depot will not work with any suppliers who violate these regulations. In addition to your application, you can send copies of service licenses, product photos, and other supplementary materials that you think would help explain your product to the decision-makers at Home Depot. The whole process typically takes about 60 days from start to finish.

What Makes an Effective Pitch? 

Once you have the basics and understand the minimum requirements to get accepted as a supplier, it’s time to focus on your pitch.

1. Speak to DIY Shoppers

Home Depot’s tried-and-true consumer base predominantly comprises DIYers who love tinkering around the house, taking on renovation projects, or fixing things independently. This means your pitch should reflect those consumers and speak directly to the need your product would fill for these handy customers.

2. Include a Marketing Strategy

Your application also needs to read like a marketing plan. It isn’t enough to make your product look good. Suppliers who demonstrate how they would sell their products in Home Depot stores are positioning themselves to stand out against competing suppliers and get their products in stores and online in no time.

3. Network, Network, Network

Doing some legwork before submitting your application might also pay dividends when executives decide which suppliers they want to work with. Going to a national tradeshow is an easy way to network and potentially meet decision-makers from The Home Depot, which has a regular presence at big shows. It also allows you to showcase your products in person and give executives a deeper understanding of your item.

Suppliers who take the time to carefully plan their business strategy before selling to Home Depot and adhere to the company’s standards before submitting a polished application stand the best chance at partnering with the retail giant

Selling On The Home Depot

Tips For Selling Products For New Vendors

Below are some tips related to selling a product online on Home Depot.

1. Get into the Supplier Diversity Program

If you want to sell products through The Home Depot, you may be able to join their Supplier Diversity Program. To see if you qualify, check the requirements on their website. You may need certification from the Women Business Enterprise National Council or the National Minority Supplier Development Council. Obtaining this certification can help you get into the Supplier Diversity Program and increase your chances of selling successfully through The Home Depot.

2. Make an Appearance at the National Hardware Show

The National Hardware Show is a great way to get your products in front of big-time home and hardware outlets like Home Depot. By showcasing your building materials or products at the show, you’ll have the chance to network and collect contact information from potential buyers and associates.

3. Check your Application Twice

You must submit a well-written, error-free application. This is the first and only chance to make a good impression on Home Depot buyers. They will not review your application more than once, so getting it right the first time is important.

To improve your chances of acceptance, take the time to rewrite and refine your application. Make sure it is free of any grammar or spelling errors and that it accurately represents your brand. Highlight any unique selling points or advantages that you have over other vendors.

If you are unsure how to present your company, consider hiring a professional writer or editor to help you with your application.

4. Getting your Products on the Shelf Space

Till now, you’ve done an amazing job getting your product on the shelves at Home Depot. Now it’s time to focus on driving sales. This will take more than just having your product available for purchase. You should devise a promotional plan that may get you into Home Depot advertising or special display areas in the stores. Your ‘silent salesman’ package design should be compelling since locating an associate on the floor is not always easy, and they may not know much about newer products and brands.

Getting Listed On The Home Depot

If you’re looking to get your product in front of the Home Depot customer base, there are a few steps you’ll need to take. Once you get listed, you can upload your business information and complete your supplier application.

It’s important to remember that this process takes time and attention to detail. Requests can only be submitted once every six months, so getting everything right the first time is crucial. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at each step in the process.

As a broad overview of the process:

1. Register Online With Home Depot.

To become a Home Depot supplier, you must first register on their website. You will need to provide basic information about your business, such as your Tax ID number, DUN & Bradstreet Number, and ownership and financial information. You may also need to submit certifications demonstrating that you can legally sell new products in your field.

home depot

2. Receive Home Depot’s Registration Key.

Once you have completed the registration process, you will be issued a unique registration key. This key will be used to access the supplier application portal, where you can begin filling out your application.

After registering on the Home Depot website, you will receive a registration key. This key will be used to access the supplier application portal, where you can begin filling out your application.

3. Upload Your Business Information.

To complete your supplier application, you will need to upload a variety of information about your business, including financial statements, product information, and shipping details. You will also need to provide references from other businesses you have previously worked with.

4. Complete Your Supplier Application.

Once you have gathered all the required information and documents, you can complete your supplier application. Once your application has been reviewed and approved, you will be registered as a Home Depot supplier!

Tax Exempt ID for companies

How To Get Started Selling On The Home Depot?

If you’re looking to reach a larger audience and tap into a new customer base, selling on The Home Depot could be a great option for your business. But before you get started, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

1. Finding the Right Products to Sell

The first step is finding the right products to sell. Remember that The Home Depot is a home improvement retailer, so products that fall into this category will likely do well. But it’s not just about finding products that fit The Home Depot’s niche—you also need to ensure demand for the items you want to sell. Use tools like Google Trends and Amazon Bestsellers to research whether people are searching for and buying the types of products you want to sell.

2. Creating a Listing

Once you’ve found some products that fit the bill, it’s time to create your listing. Make sure to include clear, concise product descriptions and high-quality product photos. You’ll also need to set a competitive price— remember, The Home Depot is a retailer known for its low prices, so you’ll need to be competitive if you want to make sales.

3. Optimizing Your Listing for Search

To ensure potential customers see your listing, you’ll need to optimize it for search. Use relevant keywords in your title and product descriptions, and consider using paid search ads to get your listing in front of even more shoppers.


1. What Products Are A Good Fit For The Home Depot?

The Home Depot is a popular retail store specializing in home improvement and construction products. This makes it a great place to sell items like tools, hardware, plumbing, electrical, etc. Also, because the store is so large, it can accommodate a wide range of products. Check your area’s competition and profit margin before deciding what to sell. However, some product categories may be saturated.

2. What Are The Listing Requirements For The Home Depot?

To list your products on The Home Depot website, you will need high-quality photos of each item (preferably against a white background), a detailed description, pricing information, and shipping details. You will also need to create an account and provide basic information about your business.

3. How Do I Promote My Products On The Home Depot Website?

There are a few ways to promote your products on The Home Depot website. You can create informative and keyword-rich descriptions, offer competitive pricing and provide fast shipping times. You can also participate in The Home Depot’s affiliate program, which allows you to place product links on your website or blog. Customers will earn a commission when they click on these links and purchase.

4. What Are The Benefits Of Selling On The Home Depot?

Home Depot is a well-known and trusted retailer, so selling on its website can boost your business’s credibility. They also have a large customer base, which gives you the potential to reach a wider audience. Additionally, The Home Depot offers a variety of marketing and promotional tools that you can use to promote your products.

Also check: How To Get Started Selling On Amazon In 7 Easy Steps


Getting started selling on The Home Depot is relatively easy. Following the steps outlined in this article, you can become a registered seller and start listing your products on The Home Depot website.

The Home Depot is a great platform for sellers looking to reach a large audience of potential customers. With over 181 million unique visitors per month, The Home Depot provides sellers a great opportunity to increase their sales and reach a wider customer base.

So what are you waiting for? Get started selling on The Home Depot today!

Be sure to check out our other e-commerce guides.