Feb 18, 2023

12 minutes

Amazon Account Health: A Complete Guide

Do you manage an Amazon account? If so, it’s important to understand the factors that can influence your account health. Whether you’re a first-time seller or have been selling on Amazon for years, having a clear understanding of how Amazon evaluates accounts is key to maintaining and improving the performance of your business.

In this guide, we’ll explore what makes up an Amazon account’s health score and provide tips on how to maximize it. We’ll cover everything from product quality to customer service to compliance standards so that you can ensure your account remains in good standing. So let’s get started and learn how to best manage your Amazon account health.

What Is Amazon Account Health?

Amazon Account Health is an important service for proactive Amazon sellers that gives them an overview of their business health. It helps sellers to identify any potential issues related to their accounts and take steps to prevent them from happening, such as reducing their return rate or ensuring customers are receiving reliable deliveries.

With this service, Amazon sellers can get a real-time snapshot of their performance and growth, which in turn allows them to make better decisions about how best to improve the strengths and weaknesses of their business. Knowing the ins and outs of your Amazon account helps empower entrepreneurs by giving them the tools significantly increase their success as a seller on Amazon.

How To Check Your Amazon Account Health?

Shipping confirmation posted of expected ship date will improve your shipping performance in your account health metrics

In order to use the Amazon Account Health page, you must first open the Performance Menu and choose Account Health. This page will provide all of the necessary information about your Amazon account health, including a score that ranges from 0 to 100.

The higher your score is, the better your account health is perceived by Amazon. A low account health score can be indicative of a compliance violation or other issue that needs to be addressed.

Why is Amazon Account Health Important?

Now that you know what Amazon Account Health is, it’s important to understand why it matters. There are several reasons why maintaining a high health score for your seller central account is vital.

1. It Can Influence Your Account Performance

Negative return feedback rate may affect your selling privileges

Having a high account health score is essential in order to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with Amazon. Amazon takes into consideration how well your account meets its standards of quality, customer service, and compliance when assessing your overall performance. Therefore, having an excellent account health score will help ensure that you remain in good standing with Amazon and that your account performance is always up to their standards.

2. It Can Help You Build Trust With Customers

After customers purchase your product, Amazon will consider their feedback and ratings. If customers have a positive experience with your product, they’ll be more likely to leave positive reviews and ratings that can help boost your account health score and build trust within the Amazon marketplace.

3. It Can Help You Find Success On Amazon

Improve Amazon account health and shipping performance by keeping a low cancellation rate

Amazon Account Health is an important metric to keep in mind when selling on Amazon. It helps you understand how healthy your account is and can give you valuable insights into where improvements can be made.

By monitoring your account health, you’ll be able to identify any potential issues that may arise and proactively address them before they become a problem. Moreover, having a healthy Amazon account can have a positive impact on your sales and growth potential.

4. It Can Help You Save Money

Having an excellent account health score can also help you save money in the long run. Amazon offers various incentives to sellers who have high account health scores, such as lower listing fees and waived account suspension fees. This means that having an excellent account health score can be very beneficial in helping to keep your business costs down while still ensuring your account remains in good standing.

5. It Can Help You Stay Compliant

Amazon Account Health is a great way to help ensure that you are staying compliant with the rules and policies of Amazon. The dashboard provides an overview of your account’s performance and health, which can alert you to any potential non-compliance issues.

This includes missing product descriptions, pricing inaccuracies, age-restricted products, and financial discrepancies. By staying on top of your account health score, you’ll be able to identify and address any potential compliance issues before they become more serious.

What Factors Affect Your Amazon Account Health?

As you assess your account’s health, there are several factors that can affect your overall score. These include product quality, customer satisfaction, delivery performance, and compliance standards.

1. Order Defect Rate

Applicable safety compliance documents for tax and accounting purposes in Amazon Seller Central

Your Order Defect Rate (ODR) is calculated by the total number of customer complaints, cancellations, and returns compared to the total number of orders over a certain period of time.

A low ODR will help improve your account health score, so it’s important to ensure that customers are receiving quality products and services and that your return policy is clearly communicated. Additionally, Amazon may investigate accounts with a high ODR to ensure the seller is following their policies and procedures.

2. Unresolved Policy Violations

Amazon has certain rules and regulations that all sellers must follow, such as not selling prohibited items or posting false or misleading product descriptions. If a seller fails to comply with these policies, their account will receive a policy violation warning, and their account health score can suffer.

Amazon business invoicing policy, for instance, requires sellers to issue invoices on time to their customers. If a seller fails to do so, it can result in a policy violation and consequently lower the account health score. Invoice defect rate is another important factor that can affect account health, as it measures the timeliness and accuracy of invoices sent to customers.

It’s important to keep an eye out for any warnings you may have received from Amazon and to take the necessary steps to resolve them. This could involve a simple change in how you list your products or even submitting documentation for a more serious violation.

3. Product Quality

When evaluating the quality of your products, Amazon looks at several factors. This includes the accuracy and completeness of product descriptions, images, reviews, ratings, and customer feedback. Ensuring that you are providing accurate and detailed information about your products will help maintain a high-quality account health score on Amazon.

Moreover, providing high-quality products is a great way to keep customer satisfaction levels high and make sure that your account remains in good standing.

4. Customer Satisfaction

Account health based on valid tracking number and invalid rejection rate of Amazon seller account

Amazon takes customer satisfaction very seriously. This means providing excellent customer service and responding to reviews and feedback in a timely manner. A high amazon account health rating and positive reviews will help boost your score, while a lower account health rating or negative reviews can have an adverse effect on your account health.

In addition, Amazon tracks returns and cancellations as part of its assessment of your account. If customers are consistently returning or canceling orders, this could have a negative impact on your score.

5. Delivery Performance

Amazon also evaluates the speed and accuracy with which you deliver products to customers. This includes ensuring that seller-fulfilled orders arrive in the expected timeframe and tracking any late shipments or returns associated with your account. Keeping your delivery performance in check will help to maintain a healthy account health score.

In terms of delivery, Amazon looks for metrics that include: order accuracy, on-time delivery rate, late shipment rate, valid tracking rate, and returns processing accuracy. To meet these standards, you should be sure to check the status of your orders throughout their journey so that any potential issues can be addressed quickly and accurately.

Additionally, you should remain transparent with customers and keep them in the loop if any delays occur. By doing this, you will be able to form strong customer relationships and maintain your account health score.

6. General Adherence To Amazon’s Selling Guidelines

Seller accounts pre fulfillment cancel rate

The company evaluates your overall adherence to its selling guidelines. This includes following all of their policies and procedures and responding appropriately to customer inquiries.

Your account health score is an important metric on Amazon, so it’s important to ensure that you are meeting all of their standards in order to maintain a healthy score. If you find that your account health score is not where it should be, you may want to review the guidelines and take steps to improve your performance.

These are the factors that Amazon takes into consideration when evaluating your account health score. To maintain a healthy score, you should ensure that all of these areas are taken care of and that you are adhering to Amazon’s policies and procedures. Doing so will help you stay in good standing with Amazon and continue to succeed as an online seller.

What To Do If The Amazon Account Health Is At Risk And Also Not Addressed

Invoice defect rate Amazon

If your Amazon account health is at risk and not addressed, you should take immediate steps to address the issue.

Step 1: Review Amazon’s Selling Guidelines And Policies

The first step to take is to review Amazon’s selling guidelines and policies. This will help you understand what standards need to be met in order for your account health score to remain healthy. Because the guidelines can change over time, it is important to stay up-to-date on any changes – especially those that pertain to your account health.

At-risk accounts may also be subject to additional restrictions and requirements. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with Amazon’s guidelines in order to ensure that your account remains compliant at all times.

Step 2: Monitor Your Account’s Performance

The next step is to monitor your account’s performance in the areas mentioned above. This includes keeping an eye on customer ratings, reviews, returns and cancellations, delivery performance, and general adherence to Amazon’s selling guidelines.

Keeping track of these amazon account health metrics will help you identify any potential problems and fix them before they become bigger issues. Additionally, consider setting up automated reports to stay on top of your account health on an ongoing basis.

In addition to tracking your metrics, it’s important to also analyze them. Look for any patterns or changes that may indicate a need for improvement. This could include an increase in returns or negative feedback, for instance. By taking the time to analyze and review your performance metrics, you can stay ahead of any issues that may arise with your account’s health.

Step 3: Take Corrective Action

If you find that your account health is at risk, you should take immediate steps to correct any issue. This could include updating product descriptions or images, improving customer service responses, improving estimated delivery date, and addressing customer inquiries in a timely manner. You should also consider taking advantage of Amazon’s Seller Support services to help you resolve any issues quickly and efficiently. Downloadable vat invoice also needed to be attentive because they can help to maintain a healthy account.

By taking proactive steps to address any issue with your account health, you can avoid any potential issues or delays that could occur down the line. Furthermore, it is important to continuously monitor your account’s performance and take corrective action if any delays occur. By doing this, you will be able to form strong customer relationships and maintain your account’s health.

Step 4: Monitor Ongoing Performance

Always remember that Amazon’s account health score is not a one-time thing. You should constantly be monitoring and improving your performance in order to maintain a healthy score. This means keeping up with any changes to Amazon selling guidelines, as well as taking steps to improve customer service performance, delivery speeds, product quality, and more.

By staying on top of your account’s performance, you can ensure that your score remains in good standing and that you are meeting Amazon’s requirements. This will in turn help to build relationships with customers and keep your seller account healthy. The seller central account called “Seller Performance” is an important resource to use when monitoring your account health.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Amazon account health remains in good standing. Taking the time to review Amazon’s selling guidelines and policies, monitor performance metrics, take corrective action if necessary, and stay up-to-date on changes will help you maintain a healthy account score.

The Bottom Line

Having an understanding of your Amazon account health is key to helping you maximize the potential of being a successful seller on the platform. You need to stay aware of any changes in policies and regulations or fluctuations in customer satisfaction levels so that you can modify your strategies to ensure optimal performance.

By following the steps above, you can ensure that your Amazon account health remains in good standing. Plus, you’ll be able to build strong relationships with customers and have a healthy seller account for years to come.

Be sure to check out our other e-commerce guides.