Jan 5, 2023

12 minutes

What Is The Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) And How Can It Help Boost Your Sales?

Have you ever wondered why some products have thousands of reviews while others have just a few? Or why do certain items consistently outsell their competitors, even when they’re more expensive? It could be because the product is simply better quality, but it could also be that the product has a higher Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR).

The Amazon BSR is an algorithm used to rank products based on how well they sell in comparison to other similar items. This ranking system helps shoppers find the most popular and successful products available on Amazon. For sellers, understanding and optimizing your BSR can help boost sales and visibility of your products. In this article, we will discuss what exactly BSR is and how you can use it to improve your business performance on Amazon.

What Is Amazon Best Sellers Rank?

Get higher in organic ranking by analyzing recent and historical sales of your Amazon listings

Ever wondered what goes into making a product an Amazon “bestseller”? Amazon’s Best Seller Rank (BSR) is the key to figuring that out. BSR is based on ongoing sales volume data and rankings are calculated hourly so you can be sure the rank given is up to date. Each product has its own rank, beginning with 1, which indicates the highest seller in any category.

Understandably, what counts as a bestseller for one product is different from another, since each item has its own ranking and it will depend on the overall current and historical sales in that particular same category. The lower the number, the better the item’s performance.

As an example, if your product ranks #50,000 then you’ll know that it outsold 50,000 others in its category since yesterday. On the other hand, if your product’s BSR is #2 then it means that it was one of the two best-selling products in its category – now that’s a feat!

Knowing your product’s BSR can be very beneficial for businesses when deciding who to compete against and also helps individuals understand their purchase decisions more clearly as they know who they’re competing with when buying online.

How Is Amazon Best Sellers Rank Calculated?

Sellers rank calculated by sales volume between competitive products

Amazon Best Sellers Rank is a great way to see which products are leading the pack in sales. However, many people don’t realize just how the ranking system works. The rank is determined by looking at all sales for that product over a long period of time. Specifically, it takes into account the sales figures for the past hour, as well as previous periods of up to 1 week and 1 month.

This historic sales product price is then combined with other factors such as customer reviews and ratings to give an accurate and real-time snapshot of how popular a product is currently in comparison with others on the platform.

It’s no wonder why this system is such an attractive option for customers looking to make informed decisions – after all, it’s a reliable guide to which items are flying off shelves and which are less popular.

How Can You Use Amazon Best Sellers Rank To Improve Your Sales?

Now that you know what Amazon Best Sellers Rank is and how it’s calculated, you may be wondering how you can use it to improve your Amazon sales rank. There are several ways you can use BSR to get the most out of your products and increase your sales:

1. Analyze Sales Trends

Use historical sales data and analyze sales trends to predict how often a product sells

The Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is a great way to analyze sales trends for products within any given category. By tracking the BSR over a period of time, you can get an idea of how well a product has been performing and make predictions about its future performance. Additionally, by comparing the BSRs between different categories of products, you can get an idea of which categories are doing better than others.

This helps businesses make more informed decisions about where to invest their resources in order to maximize profits. In short, the BSR is a valuable tool for analyzing sales trends and making business decisions.

2. Compare Your Products To Competitor’s

Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank helps you understand how well your products are performing relative to those of your competitors. Keeping an eye on their BSR can help you decide whether it’s worth investing more in a particular product or if you need to adjust your prices. Knowing your competitors’ BSR can also help you decide which products to promote and where to focus marketing efforts so that you can stay ahead of the competition.

With a good understanding of the Best Seller’s Rank, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about how best to get your products noticed, how to price them competitively, and which ones should be in your product lineup. By paying close attention to the BSR of your competitors’ products, you can stay one step ahead in the eCommerce race!

3. Leverage BSR On The Product Listing

When setting up a product page, you can use Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank to your advantage. By mentioning the BSR in your product description, customers will know how popular the item is and what other shoppers think of it. This can help build trust and encourage people to buy from you instead of competitors.

Additionally, you can use the BSR as part of your SEO strategy by using relevant keywords in the description, such as “top-selling product” or “best-selling item.” Doing this could help boost your ranking on Amazon and bring more customers to your page. Knowing how to leverage the Amazon Sellers Rank is an important tool for any seller.

4. Track Product Performance

Track product performance to achieve Amazon best sellers rank

By tracking the BSR of your products, you can get an idea of how they are performing in the market. Monitoring this rank can help you analyze trends, identify customer preferences, and spot potential opportunities for improvement. By keeping an eye on your BSR, you can also make sure your product is not being undercut by other sellers offering it at a lower price.

Knowing when to restock or adjust pricing can be essential to the success of your business. Tracking the BSR for a given period of time can help you make informed decisions about how to optimize your product’s performance and profitability.

5. Monitor Customer Feedback

The BSR can also help you track customer feedback. Customers tend to be more likely to leave reviews for higher-ranking products, so monitoring this rank gives you an idea of how your product is perceived. This can give you valuable insight into what customers are looking for and what they expect from your products, which can help you make decisions about pricing and promotions.

Additionally, any customer complaints or feedback can alert you to potential issues with your product. Keeping an eye on the BSR and customer reviews can help you stay ahead of any potential challenges, so you can address them quickly and effectively.

6. Make Informed Decisions

It’s clear that Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank is an important tool for any seller. By tracking your product’s BSR, you can get an accurate picture of historical sales data, compare your products to those of competitors, leverage the BSR on product listings, track product performance and monitor customer feedback. All this data will help you make informed decisions about your product and the success of your business.

With these insights, you can make more informed decisions about product pricing, marketing, development, and inventory management to maximize profits. Use Amazon Best Sellers Rank as a tool to gain valuable insights into current market trends and competition that will help you make smart business decisions.

Best Sellers Rank Vs Organic Search Rank

Understanding the intersection between Best Sellers Rank and organic search rank is essential for eCommerce retailers. Best Seller Rank (BSR) measures performance based on product sales alone, while organic search rank reflects how many people an item appears to when they enter keywords related to the product they are searching for.

BSR is an important tool that provides quick insight into performance and competitive positioning with other items on the platform, while organic search ranking helps identify what types of products consumers are looking for across different platforms, which can then be used in product positioning decisions.

It’s important for sellers to have both metrics top-of-mind when considering ways to optimize their product portfolio so it resonates with customers in the most meaningful way possible. By understanding both metrics, sellers can gain a better understanding of which products are selling well, and which ones may need further optimization. This knowledge is essential to success on Amazon.

What’s A Good BSR Rating?

Boost sales with good BSR rating for multi million product catalog

A good BSR rating is any score that lands your product in the top 10% of its category. This rating can vary from product to product, so the specific numerical value can be hard to pinpoint depending on the context.

Nonetheless, it’s important to keep track of your BSR rating because it indicates how well you’re doing relative to everyone else in the same product space. The higher your BSR ranking, the more likely you are to get noticed by shoppers and thus increase sales – so it’s important to pay close attention to this metric.

What Is A Good Amazon Sales Rank For Amazon Seller?

It’s no secret that having an amazon best seller rank is an important measure of success for any seller. It’s a good indication that your product is in demand, which means more potential profits. The higher the sales rank or the better your position on the organic search results, the better chance you have of being seen by shoppers.

What is viewed as a good sales rank varies depending on the product and category you are selling in, but generally anything in the top 1 – 3 percent of products within its category will suggest strong sales performance. To assess how your rankings compare to others in your market, perform some competitor analysis using tools such as Jungle Scout’s Market Intelligence.

With access to real-time data and insights, you can determine what a successful performance looks like for you and take steps to ensure you reach it.

Does BSR Always Change With An Increase In Sales?

When it comes to business, the question of whether BSR (Best Seller Rank) always changes with an increase in sales is one that plagues many. It’s a complex equation, as BSR varies based on factors like the current ranking of similar products and product categories.

What you need to consider is not just the change in sales, but when it happens and how quickly. A short-term spike in a single day can certainly boost BSR for a period of time, but if competitors also sell well at that time then your gain might not be so impressive.

Similarly, slower sales over longer periods are more likely to result in sustained improvements in ranking because others won’t have the chance to quickly overtake you. In short, it all depends on when and how your sales increase — there is no one definitive answer about whether or not BSR will necessarily change with an increase in sales.

But if you provide a steady stream of sales over time and can stay ahead of your competition, then you are more likely to see an improvement in BSR.

What Is Amazon’s #1 Best Seller Badge?

Amazon’s #1 Best Seller badge is a prestigious recognition that is awarded to products that rank as the top-selling item in their respective Amazon categories. It serves as an indication of a product’s quality and provides shoppers with ease of mind when making their choices.

Receiving the #1 Best Seller badge can be incredibly beneficial for businesses, as not only does it establish a strong reputation, but also provides added opportunities for further sales. In today’s market, simply being good isn’t enough – Amazon’s #1 Best Seller badge will help you stand out from the rest and become the best of the best.


The Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is an essential metric to understand and monitor. It serves as a guide for how well you’re doing in terms of sales relative to competitors, and it can be used to identify areas for improvement or opportunities for growth. With a good BSR ranking, you increase your chances of being noticed by potential customers.

The higher your BSR, the more visible you are to shoppers looking for products like yours. Keep an eye on your BSR and adjust your strategy accordingly to maximize visibility and sales. Just remember that it’s not the only metric you should pay attention to; other factors such as customer reviews, pricing, and promotional tactics can all play a role in your success.

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